Monday, April 30, 2012

dear environment..... i do love you

Something has changed at our house.... Mark and I gave up a major vice. Paper towels. We used paper towels like it was nobody's business and I was keenly aware that we overindulged in the paper towel department. I started feeling guilty so in honor of Earth Day we went cold turkey. Do you see these white towels? We now use them for everything, and I mean everything. I think Mark was a little scared at first, but it's totally working out and I have had only one or two withdrawals. I'm feeling pretty good about our change and I know it's saving us some money at the same time. This is an easy peasy lemon squeezy change.

1 comment:

Jen said...

We have been doing that for years. We have a stack of clean "rags" in our pantry that are used for cleaning everything. We also have a big pile in our laundry room for the upstairs cleaning. They are always separate from dish and hand towels.

The only thing we use paper towels for is draining fat from things like bacon and chicken. A roll of paper towels will usually last us 3-6 months.

Good luck with your transition.