With back-to-school coming up, the nice people at Golin Harris sent me free samples of the Wet Ones Antibacterial Hands & Face Wipes to giveaway so parents can help keep their kids healthy when going back to school. These wipes not only wipe hands clean but also get rid of 99% of germs. They also say they are just as effective as gel-based sanitizers.
I have 3 bottles to give away, it may not be the most glamorous giveaway but it's something we all can use!
Leave a comment by end of the day Monday 8/3 and I will pick 3 winners and send them each a bottle.
Happy giveaway!
We all know that at my house we are always getting sick and it seems to happen on the weekend. Maybe some wet one could help us enjoy our weekends a little more.
I'm not a parent but my parents keep these in their vehicles. They always come in handy.
I'm always up for something free. :)
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