Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Piper Fav

About 4 weeks ago when Piper started getting sick and before we figured out it was the dairy I was eating that was making her miserable, I was holding her full time. She was crying and fussing and I did whatever I could to comfort her. I was nursing her to sleep, rocking her to sleep, holding her all the time and doing whatever she needed (all those mommy no-no's). Luckily her doctor said I did the right thing (thank you Dr Ball). But now after being coddled for 4 weeks, she still only wants those things. Exersaucer? No thank you. Going night night by herself? No thank you. As you can imagine it's frustrating, especially at 10pm like tonight. I was ready to start pulling out my hair. But, as I was rubbing her back in the crib and she was lying on her side, I watched her close her eyes and then turn over to make sure I was still there, then lie back on her side, then turn over to see if I was still there. And I realized she loves me, she wants me, she needs me and she's no longer the newborn who just sees me as a milk machine. After that realization, she then proceeded to cry for what seemed like forever (she's relentless too). So I picked her up and held her close so she would stop (we are using the baby steps method). Suddenly I was overwhelmed with love and I whispered "I love you too." Because after all, the neediness is because I make her feel safe and happy. Then after I put her down and after a few little cries she fell asleep.

That is my fav for tonight, the sweetness of your baby and not only your love for them, but feeling how much they love you back at the perfect age of 6 months, even after an hour of crying, even after feeling frustrated, even after my back hurt from bending over the crib. Night night my sweet Piper, I hope you have sweet baby dreams. Mommy loves you.


eva said...
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eva said...

Piper is so sweet! I heard she and Maya had a good time looking at each other :) Lots of kisses...

Anonymous said...

Amanda that was soooo sweet, you are such a good Mommy!!! Hugs!