Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Momiji Friendship Dolls

We are not doing presents for Christmas this year (except for the kids) due to financial reasons. So I was so bummed when I saw these here. Each doll has a unique personality and represents a virtue or trait. You can also slip a secret message in its base. Here's what they all stand for from left to right:

Clever Clogs likes boys who wear glasses.
Flowers likes the shipping forecast and new shoes.
Smiling likes gingerbread and tap dancing.
Happy likes fancy dress and tea-time treats.
Pixie likes escapology and cups of tea.

Not sure which one would be perfect for me, but at $12 a piece, I would have bought one for all my best girlfriend and would hope they would sit them next to their computer. That's where I would put mine. Little things like this are making it hard on me not to shop.


eva said...

Aw, these are very cute. They remind me of the Russian matroyshka dolls I had when I was little (which surprisingly, I was able to buy here too!)

Mrs.French said...

I say go for it and buy yourself one...I am a terrible influence. xo

The Shaft's said...

too cute!!!! We have ones here like that but they are for your birthday month. So cool!!