I get compliments on my Petunia Pickle Bottom clutch every where I go. It usually goes something like this,
them: "Hey, I love your purse."
me: "It's actually my diaper bag."
them: "No way."
me: "No really, here's the changing pad."
Looking for a diaper bag for baby #2 was easy, because I knew that I didn't want the gigantic baby bag like I had for Brody. I loved my x-large Juicy diaper bag, but it actually hurt my shoulder because I stuffed so much stuff in there. I do think that every first-time mom should have a big bag, just for peace of mind. However, I knew this time I would travel light. Just a few diapers, some wipes and maybe an extra onesie. Everything else can be in the car or the bottom of the stroller. So I bought it and I love. I take it everywhere, even if I don't have the kids. And I think I only paid like $65 for it. Best part, I never get that "I miss having a grown up purse" that I use to have with Brody. Go here to check it out, and notice that they now have like 15 patterns!
thanks Amanda - I love the Petunia Cross Town Clutch too!
These are so cute. I want one, even thought I don't have kids!
P.S. You need to enter Piper into PPB's casting call to be the next Petunia :) Check-out their site for more info.
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