Thursday, September 23, 2010

the life of a soccer mom

I'm sorry....I can't post about a fav today, I am too busy being perplexed at what I should bring for snack at my son's soccer game on Saturday, yes, it's my turn. Last year the team just brought whatever for after, granola bars and juice boxes. This year we are doing a fruit for halftime and then a snack and drink for after. I'm in peril over it. It seems I'm not the only one. There is a big debate among mom bloggers of what the heck to bring. Some parents bring juice boxes and bags of chips, while other refuse to bring anything with high fructose corn syrup. This story made me thankful I'm not on this team though....mostly because of being un-gracious. And then there are moms like this that want to ban the traditional snack all together. I'm right in the middle, I want a pretty healthy option, however I want it to be easy too. Here are my ideas:

halftime fruit
you can't go wrong with oranges, apples, grapes, watermelon

after game snack
homemade trail mix
smores in a bag
yogurt tubes & carrots

I'm stumped, I prefer water but the kids already have that
I'm not a Gatorade fan
I'm not a juice box fan
I heard someone did Lemonade....still sugary

Well, I will probably spend the next 4 hours trying to decide.... the funny part is that it really isn't that big of a deal. I'm all for feeding my kids healthy foods, however they will just have played an hours worth of soccer. Kids like anything!


Lauren said...

Coming from a mom with older kids who do several sports...I say: that is just too much thinking about a simple after-game snack. If parents have super strict rules about what their kids can/cannot eat, either don't take the snack or don't sign up for team sports. In a world where we are blessed to even be worrying about our snack options and our team sports, I say just do whatever is easiest for you and the other parents will do the same. Extra pressure about pleasing everyone's palates and diet restrictions is just too much.

The Shaft's said...

Oh wow. We used to do oranges a granola of some kind and the drinks...I think were water and capri sons. But this was 20 years ago for my sister. Good luck and let us know how it goes.

P.S. I agree with Lauren too, everyone should be grateful they are playing an organized sport and the parents are there to support one another, not attack them.