Friday, June 18, 2010


I've been into making smoothies at home lately, maybe it's because I hate watching fruit go bad so I have been using the "almost there" strawberries & bananas (and sometimes blueberries). It's also a good way to get my fruit intake. I just use fruit, ice and a tiny bit of juice (if I don't have juice, I don't use anything else). Well, I bought these Rocket Popsicle Molds (set of 6, with a base and BPA free) for $10.95 from Land of Nod and today I made a big batch of smoothies and turned them into popsicles.... who doesn't love real fruit popsicles? I can't wait to eat them!

1 comment:

The Shaft's said...

Oh they are no sale now...I might have to get one for me. :)