Ok, so I never knew that I had a problem, until I tried using other Post-it notes that are not lined. It was awful. Things didn't look right and it wasn't organized perfectly. So I had to switch back to my yellow, lined Post-it notes. They are stuck all over my computer and the keep me organized. Honestly they are one of my favorite things. I have my general to-do list, my 4 things I want to do list, my work list and my bible verses note. They are all on my computer with perfect lined notes on them. Yes, I am that person who makes a list with pen and if I write something wrong I can't just cross it out, I have to start over! Ha!
This is so funny! I never thought about it specifically, but I am also very picky about my Post-its. Mine HAVE to be in the Post-it dispenser, then I stick a package of the mini Post-its on top of the dispenser, and I really prefer the little ones be hot pink. You made me laugh this morning, thanks :)!
Good to know I am not the only one out there who has to start a whole new list if I have to cross something out- it MUST be perfect! There are others out there with the same compulsion? I LOVE IT!!!
Now I know why you and Sarah get along so well. The list makers! She has a laminated one in her baby bag! How about that!
PS-I love that you re-write, that is sooo me :)
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